
How to turn off daily “Your data balance” alerts

On its own initiative, without asking me in any way, my mobile phone began to show me the notification “Your data balance” every day.

The expanded content of the notice is as follows:

Mobile Data Plan dtac

Your data balance

View your dtac plan details and add data

That is, no useful information. Moreover, there can be no useful information in this notification, since I have an unlimited tariff plan (there is no need to control traffic, it will never end). In addition, the tariff plan was bought already for a year in advance. But these notifications come daily.

You can click on the message and delve into the study of information about the remaining traffic.

As you can see, this is the “Unlimited Plan”. From the useful one, I can see the balance of money on the phone account and the current Internet speed – but I don’t need this information every day.

This message is not from the dtac application – although it is also a spammer! To understand which application sends notifications, you need to press and hold the notification until a menu with additional actions opens. But in this case it didn't work.

How to disable the notification “Mobile Data Plan. Your data balance”

The following is a step-by-step instruction with which you can permanently turn off this notification (if you wish, you can turn it back on).

Go to the phone settings, to do this, open the curtain and click the gear.

Go to the “Notifications” section.

On the next screen, tap “More”.

In the list, find “Google Play services” and go to this section.

Now click on “Notification categories”.

Scroll down.

Find the “Mobile Data Plan” group.

In my case, disabling “Daily update” helped.

If the next day after disabling this setting, you again received a notification, then try disabling other items, for example, “Data balance updates”.

If you want to turn these notifications back on, just go back to this menu and turn all the options on.

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