Category: Life

You definitely need to know this before buying an apartment in Thailand

How to protect yourself from mosquitoes in Thailand

The best ant control products in Thailand

How to unclog sink, shower, or toilet drain in Thailand

This article talks about drain cleaning products you can buy in stores in Thailand and how to easily fix a clogged sink.

Clogs in the sink, shower, and toilet – why they occur and how to prevent it

Clogs in the sink or shower – although not very frequent, but quite a regular (more…)

What does yellow watermelon taste like? How to tell yellow watermelons from red ones

What does yellow watermelon taste like?

Some time ago, an unfortunate incident happened to me: in the fruit market, I chose the largest and most ripe watermelon for myself. And when we came home and cut it open, it turned out that its flesh was yellow.

It tastes yellow, even very ripe, (more…)

Texas Chicken – great and inexpensive fast food in Thailand

In Thailand, there are brands of popular international fast food chains (junk food), for example:

  • McDonald's – very expensive and very small portions
  • KFC is good, but not enough to go there often
  • Subway – in this place I met my first wife, I have never (more…)