
How to lock and unlock the safe. Step-by-step instructions for using the safe

Safes, large and small, you can find in hotels, as well as in rental apartments.

By the way, of course, you can buy a small safe and bring it home, but in order to attach it to the wall or to the floor, you need the permission of the apartment owner. The permission of the owner is needed for any action that involves making any changes to the apartment, up to drilling holes in the walls and doors.

Not all hotels have safes. For expensive 4- and 5-star hotels, a safe is usually a common option. Moreover, in more luxurious hotels, safes are usually larger in size (medium size, you can put a laptop in such a safe). And in cheaper ones safes are smaller in size (the smallest size, a laptop usually does not fit into such ones).

And in even cheaper hotels, safes are usually not provided.

In rental apartments, everything depends on the owner of this apartment. It should be noted that if you bring guests to your home, then the safe makes life much calmer. My first rented apartment in Thailand had a safe and I used it all the time.

It is clear that there are many manufacturers and models of safes, but in hotels and rental apartments I came across safes that were locked similarly. That is, if in a hotel you want to lock documents and valuables in a safe, then these instructions for using the safe will most likely be applicable in your case.

How to lock a safe

Place the items you want to store in the safe inside and close the door.

Come up with (and, most importantly, remember!) a four-digit password.

Enter this password on, and then press the “#” (“Hash key”) button.

Closed” will appear.

The safe is now locked.

How to unlock the safe

Enter the password with which you locked the safe.

The message “Opened” will appear.

The safe is now unlocked. Open the door and take your things.

Video how to lock a safe and how to unlock a safe:

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