Tag: condo / condominium

You definitely need to know this before buying an apartment in Thailand

How to protect yourself from mosquitoes in Thailand

The best ant control products in Thailand

How to unclog sink, shower, or toilet drain in Thailand

This article talks about drain cleaning products you can buy in stores in Thailand and how to easily fix a clogged sink.

Clogs in the sink, shower, and toilet – why they occur and how to prevent it

Clogs in the sink or shower – although not very frequent, but quite a regular (more…)

How to lock and unlock the safe. Step-by-step instructions for using the safe

Safes, large and small, you can find in hotels, as well as in rental apartments.

By the way, of course, you can buy a small safe and bring it home, but in order to attach it to the wall or to the floor, you need the permission of the apartment owner. The permission of the owner is needed for (more…)

How to lock sliding doors (photo and video)

Sliding doors can meet in different places. For example, in condominiums – there they can lead to a balcony or serve as interior doors. I also met sliding doors in a bungalow – here they can serve as an entrance door or also lead to a balcony.

I remember how I was baffled by an (more…)
